• LED (Light Emitting Diode) is the use of beneficial light on the skin to stimulate various cellular processes. Light is absorbed through the layers of
    skin and into the skin cells activating cellular renewal and repair. Enhancing collagen and elastin, reducing inflammation and minimising acne causing

    Used to treat a whole host of skin conditions and concerns with no down time or injury to the skin.

    These may include but not limited to:
    + Acne
    + Rosacea
    + Burns
    + Fine Lines
    + Pigmentation
    + Muscle pain or injury
    + Bride skin enhancement

  • Individual session + $60

    Intro Offer + $200
    4 sessions

    1 month Unlimited + $350
    (to be redeemed in month of purchase)

    3 months Unlimited + $950


    A course of treatments is recommended to offer lasting improvement in the appearance and health of the skin.

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How does LED work?

LED Phototherapy is the application of beneficial light to our skin to stimulate various cellular processes to produce a therapeutic effect. Using evidence-based wavelengths delivered at a skin-enhancing intensity and dose to activate cellular renewal and repair, fuel the manufacture of collagen and elastin, reduce inflammation and destroy acne causing bacteria. 

What do the different lights do?

Red 633nm

  • Boosts collagen and elastin production
  • Improves complexion, texture and tone
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increases skin hydration
  • Evens skin tone and texture
  • Shrinks enlarged pores
  • Revitalises and restores radiance

Blue 415nm

  • Anti-bacterial action without irritation
  • Helps blemish prone skin
  • Prevents breakouts
  • Balances oil production
  • Improves skin clarity
  • UV Free alternative for eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis

Near Infrared 830nm

  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Scar reduction and prevention
  • Relieves pain and inflammation
  • Advanced skin rejuvenation benefits
  • Treats rosacea
  • Calms redness and irritation
  • Reduces age spots and pigmentation
  • Promotes healthy skin
  • Ideal for the most sensitive skins

Is it painful?

LED is a completely painfree, non invasive treatments. Eye googles are used to shield from the bright lights for comfort.

The red light has been used to treat Seasonal Affected Disorder in areas of the UK as its proven to boost seritonin levels.

How long until I see results?

After just one treatment skin is hydrated, plump and radiant and redness and irritation is calmed. LED Phototherapy also promotes a feeling of wellbeing, helping to relieve the stresses and strains of everyday life!

A course of treatment offers lasting improvement in the appearance and health of the skin and results may continue to be seen up to 4 to 6 weeks.

Is it safe for everyone?

Unlike more invasive procedures that work as a result of the body's response to damage, Dermalux® is a non-invasive, pain free and relaxing treatment which is suitable for all skin types without downtime.

Please consult practioner if pregnant

How many sessions do I need?

This will vary for each person and their skin requirements or desired outcomes. These include age, skin type, severity of indication and, lifestyle factors.

12 treatments are generally recommended for all indications at a frequency of 2 sessions per week. A 24-hour time period between treatments is generally recommended for inflammatory conditions such as acne, redness and sensitive skin, however for general skin rejuvenation, treatments can be taken in daily succession.

Due to cell activation, results can last for several weeks following a course of Dermalux treatments. However, regular maintenance treatments are advised to extend results